Year 1
Welcome to Year 1
This is the start of Key Stage 1. We take a child led approach so that the transition from Early Years to Year 1 is smooth and enjoyable. As the year progresses, we encourage children to become independent learners. We follow the National Curriculum and ensure that our lessons are engaging, interactive and surrounded by rich learning opportunities. In the Autumn term, children can look forward to performing a short production to parents based on our topic 'Toy-tastic'. Throughout the year, each topic is complimented with a range of enrichment activities, such as trips, workshops and hook days.
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Please find below our Curriculum Overview, Medium Term Topic Planners and Knowledge Organisers. These show the knowledge and skills that the children learn while in Year 1.
Autumn 1 Zen Den
Autumn 1 Medium Term PlannerArt - Paul KleeComputing - BeeBotsDT - SmoothiesMusicRE - Why we are thankfulScience Animals including Humans
Autumn 2 Toy-Tastic
Autumn 2 Medium Term PlanerArt - CollageComputing - CodingDT - Moving ToyGeography - Locating EnglandHistory - ToysMusicRE - Festival of LightsScience Seasonal Changes
Spring 1 Castles
Spring 1 Medium Term PlannerArt - PaintingComputing - Online SafetyDT - Castle DrawbridgesGeography - UKHistory - CastlesHistory - Queen ElizabethMusicRE Christianity Key PeopleScience Everyday Materials
Spring 2 Carnival of the Animals
Spring 2 Medium Term PlannerArt - Henri RousseauComputing - eBookDT - Bread RollGeography - Continents and OceansMusicRE Christianity EasterScience Animals including Humans
Summer 1 Oh I do like to be beside the seaside
Summer 1 Medium Term PlannerArt - Coastal LandscapesComputing - PictogramsComputing - Technology Beyond SchoolGeography - UKHistory - Victorian SeasidesMusicRE - Hinduism PlacesScience - Seasonal Changes